Thursday, August 9, 2012

Recap - Tues night I managed to go to bed at 11:30! Improvement! Alas, was still tired on Wed.

In case you couldn't tell, Tuesday I was headed for a blowout! And it did happen - was super stressed over some work I had to do so I ate half a bag of Bridge Mixture candy. Ahem. It was very tasty and I didn't feel a bit guilty. Oh well. Was tired and all. Peaches n' cream muffin for aft snack.

Dinner? Can't remember (quel surprise).

Wed. breakfast: 2 slices white bread, butter and jam. Green tea latte. Lunch: rice, veg, then tempura, tiny green salad and chicken teriyaki with rice. Super tired. 1 pecan butter tart and 1 hefty choco brownie for aft snack, along with a decaf coffee.  Dinner: grilled cheese sandwhich on white bread, rice, small amount of curries at night (take out). Pas bon, mes amis!!

Geez, this food diary keeping is sooo boring.

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