Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Ate a bagel and cream cheese for breakfast. Felt full until lunch, but too sluggish to go to the gym (was up until 1 am reading a novel - bad me!! Packed a super healthy lunch and snacks (pasta, sausage n' peppers, white cherries, cucumber, boiled egg) but didn't want to eat any of it! Instead, got a coffee at Timmy's, plus a raspberry Timbit, then bought my lunch! Moderately healthy - black bean chicken, rice and a spring rolle. eep. Hope the hubby doesn't find out as he's really irked about me spending money on lunch. Then I bought 3 (high quality) Belgian chocos...just because I wanted to. Ate white cherries for a pm snack, plus some "sesame nuggets". Tasty but now feeling bloated, sluggish and full.

Why didn't I go to the gym? Third day this week I haven't gone. I think it's because I have been going to bed so late (12:30-1:00 am) every night this week. Tonight I must go to bed by 10:00! 'Nuff is 'nuff.

Wearing a cute yellow top and pretty jewelry. Tummy seems slightly less prominent than a month ago. Cute black shoes with gold rosettes on them.

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